✔️Set proper foundations with your dating 'funnel' that pumps out multiple dates per week.
✔️Schedule 30+ dates per month using Tinder, Hinge, IG.
✔️How to take 'high value pictures' with just your phone camera.
✔️How to get the 'Million Dollar Mouthpiece', speak with charisma & be a verbal assassin!
✔️Learn how to close once on the date. Extremely f**king well.
✔️Master your mindset & learn to think like a guy who gets girls.
✔️How to get a girlfriend with the program (only if you choose to...)
✔️Systemise your dating life to deliver kickass results with predictably.
The Endgame? You implement a system that floods your calendar with multiple dates per week which begins to run on autopilot in the background for you & you achieve massive abundance with women with plenty of freedom, fun and status.
I guarantee results, so it's risk free. You'll get 1-on-1 coaching with me weekly & setup the system for yourself step-by-step with me by your side. Also 24/7 Access to me personally on WhatsApp. That’s about it.
If you want to transform your dating life with girls from a source of pain/struggle to a source of pleasure/ease, Schedule A Call NOW. The struggle stops now.